…Actively Age without peeing your pants or wearing diapers!

Exactly what does Actively Aging mean?

To me…waking up every day and doing something that keeps me going…makes me smile and maybe scares me a little.  What it doesn’t mean is planning my day around toileting or wearing a pad to catch any leakage throughout an active day.  It also means moving in a way that makes my body sing, finding gratitude, joy, and peace by the end of the day… breathing. 

It also means doing all these activities within the framework of having a healthy body and mind throughout every year and decade…and that changes day-to-day!

Today, I’m heading out Mountain Biking…to scare myself a little, exercise, and forest bathe.

Sherryl DeVries MSPT / Physical Therapist

Daily I make time to perform Foundational core, hip, and pelvic floor exercises so that I can do yoga, meditation, weight lifting, and ballet.  I certainly need that for today’s ride, but let me remind you…as a woman moving through menopause, I have to pay attention to my pelvic floor more often than I would prefer.

Remember…your pelvic floor is a muscle, and it’s never too late to start strengthening these muscles!!

Actively Aging and Your Pelvic Floor

For most women, the pelvic floor gradually weakens as you move through menopause.  You may have been living with minor issues, such as:

  • Occasionally leaking when coughing or sneezing
  • Being unable to hold on until you reach the loo
  • Increased sensitivity to caffeine or other triggers
  • Getting up frequently at night to pee
  • Feelings of vaginal heaviness, internal soreness and sensitivity
  • Back and/or hip pain
  • History of  a prolapse
  • Pain during sex

These symptoms can creep up on you so slowly it can be hard to remember when you moved from panty liners to absorbent pads, started planning your day around toilet stops, gave up doing activities because they were uncomfortable, or avoided having sex.

As many as 1 in 3 women have pelvic floor symptoms, but fewer than half seek help. A study found that it can take seven years for women to speak to their doctor.

Why does your pelvic floor weaken even if you‘ve never had children or a vaginal delivery?

From puberty onward, all women depend on a steady supply of estrogen for optimum muscle function and springy elasticity. As your body ages, even women who regularly exercise and have never had children or a vaginal delivery can be surprised to find they are experiencing weak pelvic floor muscle symptoms.

elderly woman doing yoga exercise
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Actively Aging and pelvic floor exercises…Do They Work?

If you are managing some of the symptoms listed above, be assured that your pelvic floor muscles are not lost.  With declining estrogen levels, you need to make a conscious effort to keep these muscles usefully strong and supple. This is where pelvic floor exercises come in!

Physical Therapy and Your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor Physical Therapy is a specialized, minimally invasive treatment. Your Physical Therapist will guide you through strengthening the pelvic floor muscles,  improving your core stability and hip strength and, increasing your control over urination, bowel movements, and possibly improving sexual function.

Remember …

With declining estrogen levels, you need to make a conscious effort to keep these muscles strong and supple. This is where pelvic floor exercises come in!

Ready to get started? Make an appointment today by clicking here.

For more options, check out my Actively Aging Package here.


Your pelvic floor is a muscle, and it’s never too late to get started strengthening these muscles and get back to Actively Aging!!

Go Have Fun!